Sunday, August 9, 2009

Opportunity starts Today.

Challenge: Start a Home Based Business with less that $500.00 and florish in this economic crisis. If i can do it anyone can!! I really mean it. I am an average american living on average income. I have done a small amount of research to get the right start for me. I used GMA website to find a legitimate home based business. Made contact by email on the website. A representative from the newly established jewelry company called and a relationship began.

My requirements
1. flexible schedule (I work full-time)
2. earn additional income ( I need more money)
3. something fun
4. plan to succeed
5. training with real people not video
6. good product

So on July 31st of 2009 the journey began. Signed the contract to begin this challenge.
Watch out American DREAM here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you can established this business and prove to media that the American Dream is still alive and florishing. A quote from one of my favorite folk singers Woody Guthrie " This land is your land this land is my land". YOU GO GIRL!! Wow conversations with the saleslady is great URL. Im your cheerleader!!!!!!!!
